And then we have the incidental music, which tends to be one of two type - both equally misjudged and annoying. A gutless car chase through London only serves to highlight how awesome all those Bourne chases were and, by return, how pathetic this one is. If the film had genuinely had excitement or thrills then the plot holes become less important but the rubbish action just leaves everything sitting out there exposed to the cold light of day.

This feel continues into the action sequences which again are bland.

It is clear that lots of money has been spent on the sets and general design of the film but yet none of it feels like more than a set and certainly none of it really convinces as the real thing. It shows in the very bland "look" to the film. As it is though, it seems that there is no heart or energy in the film and that churning out another product to appease the Disney shareholders was top of the reasons for making it. What? Weirdly though, the plot is not the sole problem with the film and indeed it could have been covered for if everything else had worked in regards delivery. My personal favourite lack of logical is where a major clue is thrown out a car window to stop the bad guys chasing them and all our heroes have to look at is a photo taken of the clue by a speed camera that they drive past. Some of the scenes where Cage works out the clues had me laughing and one imagines that the writers made more use of shoe-horns than they did pens and paper. If you haven't got it yet, I thought the plot was utter nonsense that seemed to have had scenarios imagined up and then threaded together with the barest or logic (or none in many cases). After a couple of rolls you will have as much of a story as this film and indeed may have produced a more interesting one. Now simply roll the two dice and make notes of the combinations - Custer's rifle, the President's watch, the Queen's bedroom etc etc. However to summarise National Treasure 2 it is probably easiest just to take two dice and for one die assign each number the name of a person in history (Queen Victoria, Nixon, Custer), then for the other assign an object (a table, the Empire State Building, a book).

Normally I would write a plot summary before I review a film - it helps introduce the film in case anyone is reading but mostly I do it because it helps me focus my mind on what I have just seen.